In our diverse Department, comprised of employees from various parts of the world, it is imperative that biases or prejudices do not play a role in decision-making or conduct towards fellow employees. All employees are expected to treat each other with respect, remaining consistently mindful that individuals have unique emotions and backgrounds.

The dishonesty of even one employee has the potential to erode confidence in the Department. Consequently, all employees are required to uphold high standards at all times.

Department employees will undergo scrutiny during their interactions. Consequently, it is essential for employees to conduct themselves in a manner that does not bring discredit to themselves or the Department.

Upon becoming aware of potential misconduct by another member of the Department, any employee is obligated to promptly report the incident to a supervisor or directly to Command. Furthermore, if an employee observes serious misconduct, they are required to take appropriate action to immediately halt the misconduct. The presence of a supervisor who fails to intervene does not absolve other employees from this responsibility.

Due to the nature of the profession, employees are prohibited from going on duty if they are intoxicated. This prohibition applies to being intoxicated both in character and in real life.