All on-duty officers shall monitor the appropriate frequency while conducting their duties.

Frequency Channel


301 SIMPLEX - radio to radio communication

310 GOV-SECURITY Base - For Government owned Agencies ONLY

311 GOV-SIMPLEX - radio to radio communication for Government owned Agencies ONLY

Frequency Channel (Law Enforcement)

100 POLICE Base

Only to be joined when immediate danger or crime is accruing*

201.011 SECURITY BASE. All uniformed security guards conducting basic patrol shall monitor the base security frequency.

Note: Security guards on a non-patrol assignment shall monitor the base police frequency when it is not beneficial to use a special frequency.

Guard's Responsibility. Security Guards monitoring the base frequency shall only transmit broadcasts that are relevant to security operations. Department Radio Terminology shall be used when applicable, and guards should make sure their broadcasts are as concise as possible.

GOV-SECURITY BASE: Has the same regulations as SECURITY BASE, only differing's is its only accessible for government owned agencies

201.012 SIMPLEX. Simplex is a radio-to-radio channel that can be used for less formal communication when on scene. Simply request another guard into SIMPLEX and you can both then have a quick conversation about something before moving back into SECURITY Base.

Note: Security guards on a non-patrol assignment shall monitor the base police frequency when it is not beneficial to use a special frequency.

GOV-SIMPLEX: Has the same regulations as SIMPLEX, only differing's is its only accessible for government owned agencies

201.014 LAW ENFORCEMENT CHANNEL. Police frequency's shall only be operated by Security Agencies who belong to a government agency, for example:

NOOSE, LSIAPD, LSPRD & LSSD Security Guard's can IF NECCESSERY join the police frequency. Make sure your callouts are professional and wait for a clear frequency before broadcasting into the channel

(If guards are abusing the police frequency for no good reason you may get terminated from security or loss your membership)*


Security's Responsibility. Guards shall begin each transmission by stating their unit designation.


Patrol Units. Patrol Units shall be identified by the letter of their department, followed by a minus " - " then a appropriate 2 digit unit number, exclusive of those ending in “0.” Example: G6-43 (Is for all guards) & G6-20 (Is for all supervisors)

Note: A unit using a single-digit unit number shall not include a 0 before the single digit. Example: MW-7 would be correct, while MW-07 would be incorrect.


National Officer of Security Enforcement Transportation Security Services shall use 1##TSS

Los Santos International Airport Police Department Security Division shall use 50

Los Santos Park Ranger Division Security Officer shall use 3

Gold Coast shall use the last name of their character for the callsign. Example: 14-WALTER

Supervisors. Supervisors shall be identified by their assigned unit number ending in “0.”


Patrol Units. Patrol Units shall be identified by the letter of their department, followed by a minus " - " then a appropriate 2 digit unit number, exclusive of those ending in “0.” Example: G6-43 (Is for all guards) & G6-20 (Is for all supervisors)


Gruppe Sechs Security.

G6: Standard Callsign.

Merryweather Security.

MW: Standard Callsign.

PMC: Naval Port Standard Callsign

Bobcat Security.

BS: Standard Callsign.

Chuff Security Cooperation.

C: Standard Callsign.

Securoserv Security.

SS: Mall Security.

SP: Safety Patrol.

Lock & Load Security.

LL: Standard Callsign.

Gold Coast Public Safety.

14: Los Santos County.
17: Blaine County.


National Officer of Security Enforcement Transportation Security Services.

1##TSS: Standard Patrol.

Los Santos International Airport Security Division.

50: Los Santos International Airport.

Los Santos Park Ranger Division Security Officer.

3: Los Santos City.


R: Recruiting Unit
B: Bicycle Detail

FB: Foot Beat Unit

H: Assigned Administrative/Specialized Field Unit

L: One-Guard Basic Patrol Unit or Supervisor Unit

Z: Special Detail


Guards shall use the following radio codes to describe particular situations and field unit activities.

Code Alpha. A request for a unit to meet at a location, normally used to debrief after an incident.

MW-40: "MW-40, can I get all Code Alpha at Pier 400?"

Code Sam. A request for a field unit equipped with a Beanbag Shotgun/40mm Less-Lethal Launcher. Guards requesting Code Sam shall include their location, and if possible, the nature of the request. Any field unit responding to a Code Sam shall respond Code Three.

MW-40: "MW-40, Code Sam, Pier 400, got a non-compliant trespasser."

Types of Code Sams. The following terminology shall be used to describe different types of Code Sam broadcasts.

Code Tom. A request for a field unit equipped with a TASER. Guards requesting Code Tom shall include their location, and if possible, the nature of the request.

C-40: "C-40, Code Tom, Behind Sandy Shores 24/7, got a non-compliant subject."

Code One. A unit is considered Code One when they have not acknowledged previous transmissions or requests to Come In. The unit may require assistance.

Guard’s Responsibility. Guards shall ensure that their On Scene locations are broadcasted over radio

Supervisor’s Responsibility. A supervisor shall be responsible for locating any field unit that is Code One.

LL-10: "All units, LL-31 is Code One, 7320 West Mirror Drive, respond Code amber, incident 1234."

Code Amber. A Code Amber incident is an urgent situation that requires immediate response without delay. Guards responding to a Code Amber incident shall obey traffic laws and shall use there amber equipment during response.

Note: Refure to "San Andreas - Vehicle Code - VEH / (1)44. Possession and Use of Amber Lighting"

Guard's Responsibility. Guards responding to a Code Amber incident shall notify Communications that they are “en route”, “handling”, or “responding.”

Guards shall not cancel their response to a Code Amber incident unless necessary. Any unit cancelling their response shall broadcast “cancelling response” and include a reason.

Supervisor’s Responsibility. Supervisors shall ensure that a unit is reassigned to respond to any Code Amber incident when the first unit must cancel their response.

LL-31: "LL-31, handling last request.

Code Four. Indicates that any emergency or possible emergency incident is under control and no additional assistance is required. Any units which are responding and not yet on scene shall cancel their response, and head back to their primary assignment. Guards broadcasting Code Four shall include the location, incident and reason for Code Four.

Note: Guards often confuse “Clear” with “Code Four.” “Clear” refers to a unit’s status and availability to respond to calls. “Code Four” describes the status of a given incident.

Reasons for Code Four. The following terminology shall be used to describe the reason for a Code Four broadcast.

Note: Only staff members may declare a situation to be Code 4 Admin.

G6-34: "G6-34, Code Four, 7320 West Mirror"

On Scene. Guards are conducting a field investigation. Guards broadcasting On Scene shall include their location and, when applicable, a reason. The reasons are as follows:

G6-45: "G6-45, show me On Scene on a trespasser, Vespucci and Alta."

Unavailable. Guards are reporting out-of-service temporarily.

C-22: "C-22, Unavailable."


 Each security company or department typically has its own specific protocol for going on duty. In this section, we will guide you on how to properly go on duty for each department or agency.

Privately owned Security Companies

City / Law Enforcement owned Security

These commands allow personnel to go on duty with their respective departments or agencies by specifying the appropriate code or designation. If you need any more information or have specific questions about these security companies or agencies, feel free to ask.